Kitsap County, along with Western Washington, will be under a Red Flag Warning on Friday through Sunday, meaning that breezy conditions combined with high temperatures and low humidity make conditions ripe for fires.
The National Weather Service issued the warning on Thursday morning, saying the warning will go into effect at noon on Friday and remain in place until midnight on Sunday for fire zones that include Central Puget Sound. Winds during that time period are expected to be 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph, according to the National Weather Service. Relative humidity could be as low as 15%, and temperatures are forecast to reach into the high 80s or low 90s.
The National Weather Service warns that those factors combined "can contribute to rapid rates of spread and down-wind spotting on existing fires."
Kitsap County has been under a Stage 1 burn ban since Aug. 5, meaning that outdoor burning is prohibited except for recreational fires in approved appliances. That means outdoor fires less than 3 feet in diameter for "personal recreation, cooking ... in established fire pits, fireplaces or outdoor appliances."
David Lynam, Kitsap County Fire marshal, said his office has decided against implementing a Stage 2 burn ban in anticipation of the conditions this weekend, which would prohibit any outdoor burning, including cooking with charcoal briquettes. Lynam said with the conditions only lasting through the weekend, he didn't think the event justified further prohibiting burning. The Stage 1 burn ban remains in effect until fall rains return.
"We've got one weekend to worry about," he said."We're asking everyone to be exceptionally cautious with anything outside that could cause a fire."
That includes doing yard work, hosting a backyard fire pit or using tools outside.
"If you don't have to do it this weekend, just put it off," he said.
Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz warned on Thursday that the weather conditions "could result in severe wildfire activity across the state – including west of the Cascades."
The state Department of Natural Resources said in a news release that the marine influence that typically keeps small brush fires from growing west of the Cascades will be absent this weekend, meaning grass and moss kept damp enough by usual conditions won't be able to blunt the spread of fire as is typical. "... the spiking temperatures and gusting easterly winds dry out those fuels, allowing for the sort of spread normally seen east of the Cascades," it said.
The conditions are also likely to mean a bigger spread of fires already burning on the eastern side of the state.
Lynam said brush fires this summer season in Kitsap County have been fewer than in seasons past, thanks to wet weather throughout the spring and early summer. Even on hot days in July and August, high humidity has helped to keep brush and grass from drying out and becoming a potential fuel for a fire.
Franz urged residents to be careful this weekend. Prevention tips from DNR include having water close by when starting campfires, keeping them small and making sure they are completely extinguished before leaving. Also, avoid burning if it's windy.
Other ways to prevent fires:
“It’s important to remember that we’re all in this together,” Franz said. “Practicing good prevention habits keeps our skies clear and our firefighters safe.”
Also on Thursday, the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency warned that wildfire smoke from fires burning in the Cascades and Eastern Washington could drift into the Puget Sound on Friday, making for air conditions considered to be unhealthy for sensitive groups.
"When pollution is high, try to find clean indoor air if possible," the agency said on its website.
Kimberly Rubenstein is the local news editor of the Kitsap Sun. She can be reached at or 360-792-5263. Support coverage of local news by signing up today for a digital subscription.